適逢業界淡季(或許再也沒有旺季?),無聊上班日的午後,厭倦FB,懶得撲浪,而且猛盯著螢幕的眼睛很酸,於是隨手拿起鉛筆畫下腦裡的影像 —


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It is fun when things go extreme. I did a drawing of an interview outfit to impress hiring managers or to scare them away. I love it because it is quite surreal.

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bloodyor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection isn't going to make much difference. If you're rejected, don't automatically assume it's your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you are asking her to do: none of it may have anything to do with you. Perhaps the person is busy or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in spending time with you. Rejections are part of everyday life. Don't let them bother you. Keep reaching out to others. When you begin to receive positive responses then you are on the right track. It's all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections."

Words from Radiohead's documentary "Meeting People Is Easy" always drags me into the thought: Just because I care. I care too much about how people think about me. I've lost lots of opportunities to learn. To learn from mistakes. I'm not a perfectionist. I do believe that flaws make this world cuter, but I'm still trying very hard to avoid mistakes as much as I can. WHY? Because I'm afraid of friends avoiding me because I 'm not smart enough, boyfriend leaving me because I'm not pretty enough, parents feeling disappointed at me because I'm not successful enough. In fact, I'm not that smart, not all that good-looking, and not successful (yet), but I still got to live with it. I pushed away potentials which will make me become somebody one day. Being perfect is easy. Just simply staying at home doing nothing. What mistakes can you make?

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Yay! I've got the problem solved.

Although I've purchased a brand new set of ink, I didn't want to replace all ink cartridges in the machine with new ones yet. It would be waste of money if it didn't make any difference.

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  • Sep 02 Wed 2009 02:19
  • 盲點


bloodyor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在我漫長的音樂之旅中,發現 current 93 這個發源於英國倫敦的黑暗民謠團體,像是如獲至寶。我愛它時而哀愁婉約,時而歇斯底里的旋律和深沈卻非常有趣的歌詞。會讓焦躁的心情冷靜下來。Black Ships Ate The Sky 於2006年出版,Dutro由發行。此專輯環繞著世界末日為中心,“惡魔艦隊們將天空吞噬啦!“像是以中了邪的語氣警醒著世人,“快逃,不然來不及了!“ 透露了對滅亡的恐懼。

專輯以一首 Idumæa 揭開序幕。Marc Almond 淒厲、哀怨的嗓音,詮釋著對死亡的疑惑,充滿感情且哀傷。感嘆死亡既然是萬物的必經之路,那活著的意義為何?只能麻木的接受末世的審判?這一首歌一共在此專輯中出現7次,由7個歌手來作個別的詮釋。意味著生活在地上的人們,有著同樣的感嘆。緊接著 "Sunset (The Death of Thumbelina)",David Tibet幽幽的道著即將散會的失落,巧妙的和前一曲相互呼應。然後,“Black Ships in the Sky"預言著末日將至,我感到字裡行間透露了恐懼。 "Then Kill Caesar" 是一首悅耳的單曲。不太明白這首歌的含意,由文字推敲,好像是與凱撒大帝遇刺的事蹟有關。

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